I stayed in Accra Beach Hotel, staff is really polite like most people in Barbados. With the money I spent in Barbados, I would enjoy a beautiful vacation in California, Miami, Canada, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Mexico, etc… What about the beaches? No too bad, but for sure you will find better beaches in a lot of deferents countries. Why NO Barbados, if it is a safe place and people are amazing? Where, NO Barbados, because when you are going to vacation, you want to know a different places, different new things, etc. But for sure, my next vacation will be anywhere but never in Barbados, and if somebody ask me about if I recommend Barbados, I will answer quickly a BIG NO. My experience in Barbados was beautiful, I felt confortable and happy there all the time. If you does not have money or you want a cheap vacations, Barbados is NOT the place for you to visit, since is VERY expensive, and when I say expensive, BELIEVE ME, I mean INCREDIBLE EXPENSIVE. If you have money to expend in a luxury vacation, Barbados is NOT the place for you to visit, since there are NOTHING to see there. I rented a car, and I traveled most of the places you can visit in the island. First of all, Barbados is a very safe place to visit, it is an small island, Barbadians are a great people, very polite where ever you go. And I will share with all of you my experience. Last week I went to Barbados for a full week of vacation.